Presentations and Publications
If a presentation or publication* is of interest to you, please get in touch with me either by e-mail (mail(at) or via the contact form.
Management & Leadership :
- Interview on "Being Successful in Saudi Arabia" in 'Erfolgreiche Geschäfte in der Golfregion', Springer Gabler, ISBN 978-3-658-43293-5, 2024, in German.
- "Leading People through Business Transformations - Insights & Lessons Learned", '15th Corporate Strategy Execution Conference', Thought Leader Global, Netherlands, 2024.
- "Dealing with Cultural Differences" in 'International Leadership - Effecting Success Across Borders in a Boundaryless World', Springer Gabler, ISBN 978-3-658-37305-4, 2022.
- "VUCA - Considerations on Change and Leadership of Change", ABB Group, internal Workshop, 2021.
- "Implementation of Lean Elements in a Challenging Cultural Environment", Lecture as part of Continuing Education Program, University of Applied Sciences, Zürich, 2020.
- "Implementation of a Global Strategy in a Challenging Cultural Environment", '11th Corporate Strategy Execution Conference', Thought Leader Global, Netherlands, 2019.
- "Cultural change: The ultimate discipline of business transformation", Interview published in German and English on, Germany, 2019.
- "Implementation of Lean Production", Event of the Swiss Business Network Saudi Arabia, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 2017.
- "Introduction of Lean Production for Gas-Insulated Switchgear", Alumni Event of University St. Gallen, Zürich, Switzerland, 2015.
- "The Power of Leadership in Challenging Transformations", '6th Corporate Strategy Execution Conference', Thought Leader Global, London, UK, 2015.
- "Managing Culture in Post-Merger Integration Projects", Guest Lecture as part of an internal training event, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2014.
- "Leadership in Strategy Implementation", '2nd Corporate Strategy Execution Conference', Thought Leader Global, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013.
- "Turnaround as Tool for Strategy Execution", 'Corporate Strategy Execution Conference', Thought Leader Global, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2013.
- "Turnaround Management - Linking to M&A and Integration Success", '4th Merger Integration Management Forum', Thought Leader Global, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2012.
- "Cultural Integration - Part of the Post-Merger Integration Process", '2nd Merger Integration Management Forum', Thought Leader Global, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2011.
- "Interim Management in Turnaround Situations", Siemens, internal event for High Potentials, Zug, Switzerland, 2010.
- "Impetus from the Indian subcontinent", (Post-Merger Integration of the iMetrex Group), 'Building up' 3-2008, Employee Magazine, Siemens Building Technologies, Switzerland, 2008.
Cross-Cultural Management :
- "Living & Working in Saudi Arabia", Alumni Event of University St. Gallen, Zürich, Switzerland, 2018.
- "Leben & Arbeiten in Saudi Arabien", in 'Akzent' 3-2017, Employee Magazine, ABB Switzerland, Baden, Switzerland, 2017.
- "Cross Cultural Management", ABB Group, internal event as part of the ABB trainee program, Zürich, Switzerland, 2016.
- "Cross Cultural Management", Annual Guest Lecture as part of the International MBA Program, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2013 - 2015.
- "Cross Cultural Management - A Practical Perspective", Siemens, internal management training, Zug, Switzerland, 2011 & 2013.
- "Soft Skills - Key to Increase Effectiveness in Organizational Projects", Siemens, internal training (two day program), Zug, Switzerland, 2009.
- "Die List - Eine Kategorie des Denkens und dessen kulturelle Interpretation", (Stratagems as part of Chinese Culture), 'Mensa Inside', Switzerland, September Issue, 2005.
- "Ohne Freundschaft kein Geschäft" (about Business Culture in China), in 'Network Partner' 4-96, Employee Magazine, ABB Network Partner, Turgi, Switzerland, 1996.
Marketing & Sales :
- "Marketing", Lecture & Workshop as part of the 'Venture 2002' Competition by ETH Zürich and McKinsey & Company, Zürich, Switzerland, 2002.
- "Achievements do not come for free" (about Poland), in 'Panorama View' 3-97, Customer Magazine, ABB Group, Zürich, Switzerland, 1997.
- "Far Away and far ahead" (about Australia), in 'Panorama View' 2-97, Customer Magazine, ABB Group, Zürich, Switzerland, 1997.
- "Growth in Southern China", in 'Panorama View' 1-97, Customer Magazine, ABB Group, Zürich, Switzerland, 1997.
- "Industrial & Investment Goods Marketing", Executive MBA HSG Alumni Event, Zürich, Switzerland, 1997.
- "Beherrschen des Wachstums" (Handbook for building up new business activities),
ABB Network Partner, Turgi, Switzerland, 1996. - "Anleitung zur Erstellung eines Markteinführungskonzepts", Final Paper of the Program
in Industrial & Investment Goods Marketing, University of Berne, Switzerland, 1996.
Finance & Accounting :
- "Turnaround Management - an Element of the ‘CFO's Toolbox’", '5th Controlling, Reporting & Performance Conference', Thought Leader Global, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2014.
- "Betriebswirtschaftliche Unternehmensführung für Abteilungsleiter/innen", Vol. I & II,
ABB Management Schulung, Switzerland, 1995 (Conceptualization & Design). - "Kennzahlen - System für die ABB Infocom AG, Turgi", Thesis of the Executive MBA Program, University St.Gallen (HSG), Switzerland, 1993.
Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence :
- "Configuration and Automatic Documentation with a Database and an Expert System" together with Kilian Mahler, National DECUS Symposium, Lugano, Switzerland, 1991.
- "A Knowledge Scheme for Neuroanatomical Information" National DECUS Symposium, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 1990.
- "A Knowledge Base for Neuroanatomical Information in BIRD" together with Prof. Lucia Vaina und Frank Jolesz MD, IASTED International Symposium 'Expert Systems Theory & Applications', Acta Press, Zürich, Switzerland, 1989.
- "A Knowledge Scheme for Neuroanatomical Information", Master Thesis, Boston University, Boston, USA, 1989.
- "Das Expertensystem SENSURB zur Planung der Energieversorgung von Wohnbauten",
in 'Office of the Future', SIA Conference, Biel, Switzerland, 1987. - "SENSURB - Expert System for Energy Supply of Residential Building", BBC Brown Boveri Report, EKT 0.18.10, Baden, Switzerland, 1987.
- "Implementation eines Expertensystems", together with Markus Signer, Bachelor Thesis, Neu-Technikum Buchs (NTB), Buchs, Switzerland, 1986.
- "Syntaxsensitive Editoren", 'Technische Rundschau', Nr. 36, 1986, Hallwag Verlag, Switzerland, 1986.
- "Customizing EDT", National DECUS Symposium, Luzern, Switzerland, 1986.
- "NTB-EDIT, a Syntax-Sensitive Editor for VAX-11/VMS", Neu-Technikum Buchs (NTB), Buchs, Switzerland, 1985.
* please note that some of the inhouse presentations or publications may not be available for external distribution.