Comprehensive Restructuring and 'Cost-out' Project in France
Industry & Scope :
- Product, project & service business for Fire Safety & Building Automation in France, i.e. the respective local division of a globally active technology group.
Role / Function :
- Ensured - in a Consulting Role - the timely and successful implementation of a rectructuring and 'cost-out' project, taking over this role from a top-tier consulting company.
Business Context :
- A comprehensive restructuring and 'cost-out' project
with 20 subprojects to improve the top-line and the profitability with the support of a top-tier consulting company had been prepared.
- The implementation of these measures did not proceed as expected.
Actions :
- Creating a transparency of the dependencies of the various actions and an intensivied communication with all branch offices to improve the local 'buy-in'.
- Tight management of the program office and support team. Further development of improvement actions, as well as adamantly driving the implementation of all the actions.
- After stabilizing the project, the remaining tasks were handed over from the program office to the local management team.
Outcome :
- A positive acceptance and support of the program by the local organization.
- The implementation well under way, and having already achieved higher savings than originally planned.